Wednesday, January 29, 2020

grocery store rehearsal

tonight I went inside a grocery store and I saw people standing around, some with phones, like they were filming something. I asked if they were filming a movie, the response was they were rehearsing. seems like an odd place to get it done though. as I was coming out, I heard some activity in the street. then I noticed it was an old fire engine, it is winter carnival time! so of course it was the Vulcan crew, or 'krewe'. I also went to perform this evening, and it was nice to see the wolf, the crow, Wisconsin guy, and the fancy comic at the venue, as well as magic man. most of them performed, except for the wolf. in the mail was something about donating plasma.
    at work, I fielded what is likely my longest call to date, just over an hour. it was somebody that can be described as a 'tax protester'. I found out I can hang up on this type of caller, even if they never swore at me. I also found out that means do not enter it as the note on the file. a rescource rep said to have these words taken out by my boss. something about in case the agency was sued by the taxpayer. I found out that after the call was transferred to resource line, the rep was on about half the amount of time I was, but did release the call. we were at an impasse, didn't know what to do. hopefully it will be a while before I get that kind of call again, as it was ranting about various things such as welfare and politicians. as well as ramen noodles and what his siblings do for a living. so I will have to figure out what lesson can be learned form it.

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