Wednesday, January 1, 2020

two people fell

I went to perform in the evening and near the end of the show two performers fell while leaving the stage, the second was the show runner. this was after I had done my set, and the show runner said she might have hurt her wrist and I saw somebody tie a cloth around her wrist. we were all asked a notable thing about the day, I said it was finding a penny. a performer spoke my name twice in his set, and he has done this before and I don't like it. it is often a callback to what I have said, and the second time was about the penny. the first was assuming that I knew some obscure fact, because I majored in history. I actually said 'never heard of him' and then he covered who it was.
   I found ways to fill in the time on a day off. one of those was going to a comics brunch in Eagan, but at a different venue compared to previous years. the event coordinator, the resistable comic, said the previous venue had closed. I liked seeing various people I knew there, such as chalm-skinn, magic man, and the lunch lady. I saw a posting from yemen native saying he is invited but does not attend, assuming it is mostly people who have quit comedy. well I will admit that I didn't see many headliners there. after that I freed up some space in a photo album, by moving some postcards around. this will help out when some recent e-bay orders arrive. I have an album of postcards from foreign countries and that is where the ones I moved were sent to, seven in all. I also took out the trash and recycling. then I watched two charlie brown specials, one about new year's day and the other was the 1992 Christmas special.

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