Wednesday, January 8, 2020

invested a lot

i said I had 'invested a lot' into one call at work so I wanted to finish it. this became my last call of the day because it was a long one, about filing a tax return and her husband passed in 2019. so I didn't want to transfer it to anyone that bad, especially after calling the resource line. the caller said something about wanting to offer me a beer. then I said when something similar was offered before when I did call center work, that it was somebody from out of state. I will do my best to find some contact information that can be given to my boss as I am proud of how much help I was able to give to them. it meant requesting letters be sent stating the advance payments, canceling a payment since one was made in December, and helping with setting up payments under a different bank account and email address. there was some leftovers, as expected, from the previous day's potluck so I claimed some of them.
   I went to perform at an open-mic tonight. there was a fill-in show runner as the main one was injured last week. like many others in the crowd, I was in disbelief about one of the sets. it was a homophobic rant and the performer claimed it was 'sarcastic'. there were some people who walked out and couldn't stand to listen to it. one performer after it was told by the show runner to leave and did not take the stage at all. I have seen plenty while performing, hard to say how this compares to what I have witnessed over the years. thankfully this doesn't happen too often.

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