Sunday, April 26, 2020

eco-friendly de-clutter

I did more cleanup around the home today, and when going through a box called 'online articles' I found one that spoke of ways to do an eco-friendly de-clutter. there are four main ideas presented, and I have done some of them. it mentions selling some items, send some to a donation center, a swap party, and re-using items. I know I have re-purposed some items recently. the selling, and swap parties, not so much. the article was from 2008, from 'shine by yahoo'. I once dated somebody who spoke of listing items on 'free-cycle'.
  I worked on it constantly throughout the day, doing some paper shredding, filling four bags. shred box is still full. I finished the box and got most of the articles into envelopes. with Wikipedia articles I tried to group them together but realized that I needed to be more specific about where to file them. some items I found would work well with what is already in sheet protectors, such as ticket orders of concerts I have attended. but I would need to get to a store to get more of those. there are two more boxes labeled 'online articles' to go through. there is also the five from the office, most of which haven't been touched since that job ended. I have a week to see how far I can progress with it. I kept saying I can't believe I saved some of what I did, such as office papers. but I am aware that much of what is in the five from the office isn't paper, and most I what I am seeing right now is.
   I did get a walk in around the neighborhood, shorter than typical. I found 3 cents. I watched 2 episodes of  'the Simpsons' in the evening. one was marge as a 'lumber Jill' and the other was Rev. Lovejoy having a younger rival.

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