Friday, April 24, 2020

subway sub club

I am finding all kinds of things while doing cleanup around my home. when going through a box marked as 'food wrappers', mostly ones from foreign countries, I found a Subway Sub Club stamp. so I glued it on my card, so now there are four stamps. I recall how the program ended in 2005, it was said due to fraud, plenty of counterfeit stamps. after I redeemed a card, and the program ended, I had one card that was not full and then found another one. so I 'merged' them, two stamps on one and just one on the other. the card has been in a binder for a while, along with business cards and pocket schedules for sports teams. it is not alone in terms of 'retired' items being there, as my blockbuster video membership card is also there. there are some listings for the sub-club on e-bay, but not many, only found 5. there was mention in an article that stamps were being sold there, but if they are being sold now it would be just for souvenir purposes. no need to buy them now when it has no value in a store. why a stamp was found in this box, not sure. unless it was due to my visit to montreal in 2002.
  I went through some other boxes, labeled 'work', except some things in it weren't about work. but I did well on sorting them and getting them into envelopes and the right box. a good start on it, at least. and more things ended up in the shred box, although not all are shredded yet. one bag full though.
  my phone was ringing off the hook today. in the morning there was a call from the test scoring company saying they would be doing work-at-home soon. then I responded to an email from a placement office, in reference to the 'no-go' job fair last week, and asked for my resume. it led to me being disgusted with those who wouldn't help with my resume before. and the third call was the agency in the Carolinas. so now it sounds like i have two job offers, for jobs that would start on the same day, just over a week from now. wasn't expecting this at all. when i went out for a long walk in the late afternoon, delayed due to these calls, i arrived at an understanding in terms of which one to accept. i still wanted to have an advisor hear about it, and it didn't take long to figure out who to call. just looking at my facebook friends list, i said it had to be my college roommate. he was leaning towards the same one as me. during the walk, i picked up 52 cents.
   this of course was an 'errand running day' and I got out to walgreen, as well as cub foods. as i was on my way to my car i saw a school bus dropping off lunches to kids, not just the lunches in cardboard boxes but also half gallon jugs of milk. i had been hearing about this program, due to the schools being closed because of the virus. after my stop at cub foods i went over to the library to see if there were any changes to their return policy, and it appears they are now accepting returns in their manual box. so i will have to watch a movie this weekend and get it back to them. i have two, but i have already watched the other one.

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