Tuesday, April 14, 2020

napkins and notebooks

I did more cleanup today, and surprised on some level with what was found but not entirely. I found some single napkins here and there, along with a pack that was super bowl-themed, from 2 years ago when the twin cities hosted it. all of them went into my lunch bag, so at some point I expect them to get used as they were meant to be used. I also found some notebooks, and I put them next to the others. I do use them periodically, such as when I am at a high school football game as I find that I pay attention more when I am writing things down. I got the tourist brochures consolidated into the drawstring bag from the all-star game fan-fest, also hosted by the twin cities. I think the oldest things were from 2015, when I visited Toronto for the pan-am games, as well as new York city, when I was there for a writer's convention. a damaged shoebox was where I sent the items that I wanted to put into the shredder, as I was sitting down and wanted to keep going. a good number of things have been, or will be, shredded. two items stand out that were put in a sheet protectors in a binder, both were from new ulm. one was about turner hall, and the other about the 'herman the german' monument. I already have four plastic grocery bags full of shredded paper that will go into the trash bag with the rest of the trash. three of them were filled today.
   I had another zoom meeting around midday, plenty of ground was covered. I spoke about some of the interview questions I am getting. I was asked about changing the format of my resume, and at this point I am open to most anything that will get me back to work. I didn't file any applications today but I have another interview Wednesday morning. in the late afternoon I went on a long walk, still kind of cold out there after the snow this week. I found 1 cent. the site of the former gas station is now just dirt, with what looks like an uprooted tree, near the edge of the property. \

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