Sunday, April 12, 2020

pen scribble test

I stayed busy today even though I did not go outside, as it was snowing. I looked at all of the pens on my desk, especially the ones not in a mug, and decided to go through them and used the 'scribble test' to see which ones still work. I hadn't done this in a while, and it helped thin the herd. it was probably still less than half of them that were tossed in the trash, but I wasn't counting how many. some were reminders of places I have traveled to. the nice thing about it is that I have a better chance of finding a pen right away that works. another thing I did was look in the closet and noticed all of the shopping bags in there. so I thinned that area out as well, mostly ones from grocery stores or Walgreen will be returned to a recycle center. and there was going through my postcard collection as well, although not near as many were pulled out. only four, and I decided to group them better so it meant re-arranging them within the photo albums they are in. I would have liked taking a walk but knew I was better off waiting for a time with more favorable weather. it was fairly constant for much of the day. I logged onto twitter, as I do once a week, and was pleased to see how one posting got 15 likes. it was the one about last week's virtual concert. but I will admit how music is more fun than watching the news all of the time, so I get it. joel osteen was on after the late local news, but it was a rerun, the easter service from last year. I think 'the simpsons' was a rerun as well, it was about fat tony finding out who framed him.

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