Saturday, June 6, 2020

coneacopia of happiness

at midday I went to the dairy queen near the workplace to get ice cream. I brought 3 dollars worth of quarters, left over from doing laundry, and found out there was not a lot available for this amount. so I got a cone, and the wrapper said 'coneacopia of happiness'. I kind of forgot how ice cream cones tend to be cheaper at mcdonald's, but didn't feel like walking there when it was farther. also made it to walgreen on an earlier break, got the paper and laundry soap. they were out of dish soap, and there was not a lot of laundry soap to choose from. not a big deal, I still have enough dish soap for now and just wanted to buy ahead a little.
   at work I completed another online class at the end of the day, so there is one left. I was able to pick up where I left off from the previous day, was about halfway through it. had to make up 15 minutes as I was late, was trying a different route that was shorter and made 2 wrong turns. but now I am aware of what I need to pay attention for. I am now also signed up for a UPS class, it will be for one hour next week. still made some mistakes with the mail machine, which bothered me a little. I was put in the driver's seat more on downloading checks though, looking at the system more will help me feel more comfortable with doing the work. I spoke of how 2 friends from a former job are at the same bank, and the trainer helped me find them online. one of them is an assistant VP, often in meetings. no response to an instant message yet. my 'work spouse' was out of office for the day, so a text message was sent at lunchtime and saw the response when I got home after turning on my phone.
  I called my college roommate in the evening to say I had landed at the bank, first call in a little over a month. he didn't say much about his own life, basically just 'what are you going to do?' about getting divorced. he asked if another roommate had contacted me. I said I saw the facebook message and had responded to it. I did a walk in the evening after this call and picked up 4 cents. there is still a question of when I can use the change counter again. there is a bank branch in the same building as my job, but did not see a change counter there. looks like they had just opened up the lobby to the public. had to go into the branch at work to drop of some checks to be deposited, was told this is done once a week. the 2 'big bang theory' reruns were Raj dating Emily after Lucy contacted him, followed by Denise started at the comic book shop. 

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