Saturday, June 13, 2020

the way back movie

I watched a DVD movie this morning, rented from Redbox. it was called 'the way back'. it was about an alcoholic that was offered a job as basketball coach at his alma mater. besides the lead actor, Ben Affleck, I also recognized John Alyward, who played the leader of the catholic school where ben was coaching. the closing credits also listed Dan Lauria, and T.K. Carter, but both must have had small roles. I am not sure what roles they had. I said 'we know how this one is going to end' when ben's character is trying to rehearse turning down the offer to coach basketball. because there is no movie if he does not take the coaching job. while watching it I said to myself, 'this is worthy of award nominations'. it is a compelling story, finding redemption through coaching. the ending was bittersweet, but was likely appropriate for a story about alcoholism. some scenes show him drinking a can of beer while in the shower. or dumping liquor into a thermos that he takes to his work in construction.
  after the movie was done, I knew it was time to get going to the post office as it was midday. there were three orders to pick up, all related to Charlie Brown. there was 2 orders for trading cards, and the third was a DVD, the Emmy-nominated specials. after coming home and having a light lunch, I laid down and fell asleep for a while. then it was time to get going again. first it meant returning the movie to the gas station kiosk, then to a Target Express to pick up supplies. also 2 pairs of socks, they were on sale and needed some as replacements in the lineup. in the evening of course it was to the grocery store for my weekly order, then after this I got started on surveys for airline miles. I also took a walk, a shorter one than the earlier one to the post office, and found 27 cents. since E-bay orders were picked up, I also placed more orders, including a state quarter. I will likely eventually see them in circulation, but it is no big deal to me to order one online for the collector map as I am not paying that much above face value to get it a little early.

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