Saturday, December 25, 2010

Leisurely Christmas Day

Maybe 'leisurely' isn't accurate, unless you count the 2 hours when I fell asleep in my easy chair in the afternoon. I got chores done like putting away laundry from the previous day, as well as the trash, dishes, and recycle. Finished up the Chinese food from last night at lunch, mostly celery and mushrooms was left, not much chicken. Had more of the egg nog, just getting a quart at a time once a week. Still want to watch my weight. Had more of the Bavarian creme Danish coffee cake. For dinner I had a small pizza, may have been the first time I used the stove in more than 4 months. I went through my mail and shredded some of it, and got things in order for getting Christmas cards sent to people who had sent them to me. I had sent one earlier in the week, to my aunt, an ordained minister in Wisconsin. There were 10 other cards I had received, found out I had just 5 stamps so I've prepared just 5, the ones I received first of course. There was actually 7 stamps left, but I decided to use the other 2 for bills due in the next few weeks. I tend to do this when I get a bill, see that a stamp is added to the envelope right away so it's ready to send when I need to send it. But thankfully I haven't had to get stamps much recently, just for bills, a sheet of 20 can last for a while. I know the cards won't go out until Monday, and I am likely too busy to get more stamps until Wednesday, when I am using up a vacation day before year-end. I did take a walk in the evening, first to my car to knock off more snow from it. Then I went around the block, good to get out a little as one isn't excerising much when staying inside at home.
   Another thing I did was get a Ticketmaster review written and submitted from seeing 'Prairie Home Companion' in October, don't know why I waited this long. But I had no problem finding material, as I went to my blog posting after being there. Loved the music in it, something for everybody. I think what prompted me to write it, finally, was knowing I did the review for the Bears-Vikings game right away. The football game review is posted now, my 8th on the site. They call me a 'top 500 contributor', amazed how it didn't take many reviews to make this list. Apparently not many write reviews, or not many use Ticketmaster much, or both. Guess it wasn't the first time I was slow on submitting a review, it was about 2 months after seeing 'Phantom of the Opera' last year when I submitted one for it.  The 'Phantom' review was the first one I had submitted.

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