Friday, December 3, 2010

Ordering from Ebay

It was a day off for me, need to use up days before the end of the year. It was a leisurely day, decided to get caught up on things like seeing orders are made. This included getting event tickets ordered like for a play and for a basketball game. Two other items had been on my list for a while, finally ordered them as well, one of them from Ebay. It was a Simpsons mug, I had a printed page from February reminding me I had wanted to order it even then. But I wanted to pace myself after getting some other Simpson items, then the Emerson Hough saga began. It will be nice to have it, as I've already added some Simpson apparel like a shirt and sleepwear. I use those items, unlike most of the others which I consider to be collectibles like patches and figurines. I thought about ordering some items inspired by the TV show 'the Office' as well but couldn't quite find what I wanted there, checked the NBC site and they had more of what I wanted. So I ordered a magnet and ornament as I wanted the stick-figure logo and the Dunder Mifflin logo. Getting a Theodore Roosevelt bobblehead, Emerson Hough's friend, is also on my list. Some of them looked better than others, sometimes I've seen it as part of a set. This is due to the 'Racing Presidents' promotion the Washington Nationals baseball team has- the 4 Mount Rushmore presidents. When I saw a game at RFK Stadium in 2007 I did get one, but it was the Jefferson bobble.
    Another thing I did was go through slips of paper I had in my backpack and wallet, where I had been keeping notes there. Some of them were hard to read, decided to consolidate them onto a larger piece of paper that I would see more often. Some of them were getting tattered, especially one in a backpack pocket from unzipping it often. Should be easier to find the important things in both now.
   I liked getting a special edition magazine as well, published by People about TV shows that changed our lives. As expected, 'All in the Family' was in there, along with 'the Simpsons' , 'MASH', and 'Mary Tyler Moore'. As a Bob Newhart fan I liked seeing mention of 'Bob Newhart Show', something I grew to enjoy as syndicated reruns back in high school. Figured it was best to get it now since I had seen it for a while and it's best to get while the getting is good.
    Saw what the snowstorm really looked like this evening, when I went out for errand running in the afternoon there wasn't too much snow yet. Went down to the Taco Bell and used another one of those 20 'Office' coupons I won, the 5th. Didn't get a receipt, 2nd out of 5, and the first where I had to sign it. There is more snow expected, explaining why the snow ordinance is not yet in effect.
   Went onto Myspace tonight for the first time in while, since there was a pending friend request there. It was from a journalist, I accepted it. Still don't have many friends on this site, just the 6th. Decided to look up the same journalist, Melissa Rowley, on Facebook along with a band called Sideproject as I am on Facebook way more and have more friends there, nearly 200.

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