Friday, June 24, 2011

The Art Museum

This is my first full day at the convention, liked the buffet this morning. Had some froot loops, thinking of the ex-friend from high school who called me 'toucan sam' and 'big nose'. Nice how I'm able to turn a negative into a positive. May want to get it into my comedy routine. Wearing an Eminem shirt today as an undershirt, seems appropriate when in Detroit. There wasn't much to vote on today in our legislative session, officially called the 'plenary'. Once I asked what it meant in the schedule of events, I knew I would have little time for events like a Tigers baseball game or a play about Tiger broadcaster Ernie Harwell.  It's fine with me, as I had seen plenty of museums and sporting events in 3 previous visits to the Motor City.
   Liked seeing the art museum tonight, we took a bus over there. There was a nice Diego Rivera mural there and a group of fiddlers performing. I didn't want to stand for long, so I went into another room and started to look at the art there. There were some Van Goghs, Renoirs, and a Mary Cassatt. I liked seeing her painting at the Chicago Art Institute, the one of the woman bathing her child. The Picasso cubist paintings didn't do anything for me, but I got a postcard for answering a survey. There was even a Warhol there, of Mao Tse-Tung.
   There was a speaker while we were having dinner, she took off her glasses often and then would put them on top of her head, then put them back on. Lost count of the 'up-down' total. We were given a gift card of $15, enough for the dinner in the cafe. I bought 2 more postcards with it, less than a dollar was left and I turned it in as requested. I think one of my fellow delegates wanted it as they had organized the event, wanted the refunds.

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