Saturday, January 7, 2012

Historian Convention

Saw the Rock and Roll Mc Donald's this morning, had a breakfast sandwich there. Liked seeing a Corvette on display in a separate building. There was a metal Charlie Brown and Snoopy lunchbox in one display case inside the main store when covering the decade of the 1960s, the history of the chain as well as what went on in the world at the time.
    Today was more researching at Newberry, but this time I didn't have anything copied. It would have been too expensive to copy all 40 pages of one pamphlet about Emerson Hough books. Hopefully I can find a used copy online somewhere. Since it closed early on a Saturday I knew I needed to get there early, and I didn't want to lug around my bag for long so I went there before checking out of the hotel. I got back just before checkout time, then it was on the train to Union Station to get my bag in a storage locker there while looking around the city. I ended up paying for 2 lockers as the first one locked before I got my bag in, but the first one cost way less since I realized it right away. The one I actually used was much bigger, but I had to got with what was available. After looking around inside and getting some ice cream at the McDonald's location, which had plenty of cool railroad signs inside it, I walked over to Navy Pier to get a picture of the Bob Newhart statue given by Nick at Nite TV-Land. As a big fan of his sitcom from the 1970s I was pleased to find out about it when reading his Wikipedia page. After I got my picture, a woman with some teenage girls sat down on the adjacent sofa for their picture.
    When I got to the convention, I did sit in on parts of 2 lectures, one was about TV arriving in Nepal and how shows like 'Miami Vice' and 'A-Team' were shown a lot since they were cheaper to air than their own shows. The other one was about education in the Progressive era, bringing American standards to newly acquired territories like Alaska and Puerto Rico and the Philippines. I got a book in the exhibit section about rap music, and there was plenty of mention of Eminem as expected, but also of lesser-known performers like Marky Mark, now an actor.   
   I walked back to Union Station to pick up my bag, then rode the train back to O'Hare Airport, the end of the line. It was where I experienced another 'what are the odds?' moment. The operator saw me walking past after reaching the end of the line, and called my name. I had to figure out where he knew me from, after he spoke of those we had worked with I knew it was from the office I currently work in, but a different department. It was a gig I haven't had in over 5 years. I shook hands with him and said I was in town for a historian convention, on my way to the Wolves hockey game.
    I needed to get the rental car before heading to the game, thankfully the event site was close to the airport, in Rosemont. I made it as player introductions were happening. I had wanted to eat before arriving as it was cheaper, but I cared more about getting there before gametime. Wolves won 3-1, after trailing 1-0 when Lake Erie scored their goal in the first minute. Wolves scored all of their goals in the second, first was a top shelf in the other side of the net from where the goalie defended. Second was shot in after it hit the post and was picked up on the other side of the net. Third was shot between the goalie's legs and dribbled in. Wolves are known for their player introductions, bringing out metal wolf's feet that spit out fire.
   Notable events were Girl Scout night, plenty of lively fans. Gearing up for the cookie sale season apparently. The other was dog adoption night, a favorite charity for one of the owners.
   Hockey fans can be fun, one fan yelled at somebody blocking their view by saying 'take a seat! figure it out, Andre the Giant!' Plenty of good music played on the loudspeaker, like Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance'.
   After the game I made it over to my hotel in Elk Grove Village, after watching the news I went out to a grocery store to get a beer and some peanuts. I like the relaxed feeling while writing about my travels, I've done it for a while. The clerk carded me and said 'Minny-sota' when seeing my ID, I guess it was funny to them.

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