Sunday, January 22, 2012

You're a Good Man

Saw the play 'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown' in Bloomington in the afternoon. As a big fan of the comic strip I liked getting to see it, as the story followed the comic strip really close. My bucket list may be unoffical, but seeing this play sure was important to me. Just a few scenes left me feeling puzzled, one of them was related to the security blanket Linus is known for, where the other 5 characters came out with theirs. Another was Snoopy going to chase rabbits with Sally, also don't recall it from the strip or the TV specials. But all of the themes I knew were depicted, like Lucy and her psychiatric help, Schroeder playing the piano and speaking well of Beethoven, the gang playing baseball, and Snoopy as the World War I flying ace. I got a good look at the display case of the town's history, it said the town is the state's 4th largest. Near the enttrance to the theater was an imitation Snoopy doghouse, I got a picture of it. The refreshment table had an old school bell on it where one server rang it to let customers know the intermission was nearly over.
     Also notable today was the news from Penn State, as football coach Joe Paterno died. Much like Alabama coach Bear Bryant, it just a few months after finishing as coach. Arizona politician Gabrielle Giffords will be stepping aside, just over a year after being shot in the head. According to one online article, under the state's law the seat must be filled with a special election until the general election in November. It depends on what laws are on the books in each state as to how vacant political offices are filled. She hadn't been to Washington much since being shot, I think she made it for one vote, on the debt ceiling in August.

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