Monday, March 26, 2012

Leave The Club Now

There was a man who was asked to 'leave the club now' after being warned at the comedy club tonight. He likely had too much to drink. He was sitting near me, in the back. I could have helped with it, but it was best to leave it up to the professionals for multiple reasons. One, I was boxed in anyway. Two, they seemed to handle it well enough without any help. Three, I want to avoid conflicts of interest as I want to have chances to perform at this club. The comic onstage when it happened was allowed to 'start over' while it was being handled, meaning his time on the clock before seeing the red 'time light' started over. Some comics made jokes about it, but I saw nothing funny about it. Thankfully, this doesn't happened much before. As I recall, it was the first time it had happened.
   I called my dad back while at the club waiting for the list to arrive. He tells me he would like to see me perform sometime, don't know when it is possible. We talked about baseball a little, like about fellow Iowan Casey Blake. I said I was unsure if he had been signed by a team this year, he had previously played for the Dodgers. Dad was unfamiliar with who Bernie Madoff was or a Ponzi scheme, odd how I had to explain these things since it had been over 3 years. It was in reference to team owners, since I knew the Dodgers were sold due to a messy divorce, and the Mets may be as well since their owners had dealings with Madoff.
    It was easier than typical at work today, as we were short a few people so I was mostly covering for them and somebody else was making copies for most of the day.

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