Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Abraham Was Uncircumcised

I was waiting for the bus after work tonight and somebody on their phone spoke of how 'Abraham was uncircumcised'. I knew they meant from the Bible. Then when I boarded the bus somebody was trying to name what Chicago suburb some relatives lived in near Naperville, I guessed Downers Grove but he said that wasn't it. I said I lived in those suburbs for nearly six years, I know there are plenty of them.
   At the comedy club tonight I was greeted by the 'Magic Man' while waiting to order a drink. He did do a joke about doing magic, something about stealing ideas from other magicians. Fairly good lineup, including the show runner as the headliner as his comedy CD was released this week. I like how he closed with the log flume joke. The MC even gave me a shoutout, wondering if it was my laugh they heard. As usual I am flattered by a shoutout, even if many of the crowdmembers don't know who they're talking about.
   Before I arrived at the club, I went to Roseville for errand running, 3 stops in all. Went to the library to print a few items, then on to Target to finish up a gift card. There was 15 cents left on it, after buying 3 pairs of socks and a candy bar, started off with $10. I got a Rice Krispie treat, which was 54 cents after using up the gift card balance. So I have the Jiffy Lube and Olive Garden/Red Lobster cards left. Final stop was to a Super 8 hotel to give them the 2 keycards I had found. Before entering the lobby I saw a Pabst beer can and I picked it up and tossed it in the trash after taking off the pulltab, have been saving those for the Ronald Mcdonald House at work. All they said was 'thanks' when I gave it to them, saying I had found them at a laundromat.
   There was something unusual today at work, I thought I heard plenty more walkie-talkie type voices than typical. Then I saw in the hall how somebody was being wheeled away on a gurney, sitting up, so these visitors were EMTs. It looked like somebody in the adjacent department, somebody I have made copies for and likes the T-Wolves basketball team. She even has season tickets for the Wolves. I hope she is all right.

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