Thursday, April 26, 2012

Howdy, Just Fine

I cleaned out my wallet tonight and the receipts went back a month. On one of them I wrote 'bus driver: howdy, just fine'. It was from an anecdote told by a colleague, the theater guy. He told me this is the original definition of 'howdy', a longer one than just 'hello', including 'how are you' apparently.
   I like getting things done, and I was motivated to do so tonight after watching 'Big Bang Theory'. Episode was a fun one about the bachelor party for Howard. First was going to the library to print tickets for a concert in june. Then it was on to Minneapolis to scout out a 'Charlie Brown and Snoopy' statue. Found the blue Lucy I couldn't find last summer, thanks to a lead given by a fellow comic it narrowed down the search real well. So we've got one for this month!
   After this I went to a Holiday Inn and turned in the keycard I found at the bus stop this week. I was basically there long enough to do this, as I didn't want to get a ticket, or towed, as there were signs up to this effect. Finally it was over to the Dairy Queen to use up another coupon, now there's one left and I have a month to use it. I got a banana split and I liked the taste of it, haven't had one in a while as I like the blizzards quite a bit. The strawberries, chocolate, and pineapples on each mound of ice cream worked real well. I had 2 quarters on me, and it was enough to park at the Dairy Queen, as well as when scouting the statue. I walked back to my car with the ice cream and finished it in my car before leaving as I knew I had just 12 minutes with the quarter.
   It was a notable food day, in more ways than one. At lunchtime I was making up time, or flexing, due to my time at an advisory program this week, just yesterday. So my lunch was shorter, and I decided not to heat up the soup I had brought. So I got a bag of BBQ chips out of the vending machine, then went to a nearby store to see if they had Lunchables, I like those a lot. They had 'wedge' sandwiches, but I was more intrigued by the 2 hard-boiled eggs, also since they were slightly cheaper. I had the eggs as I don't have them too often, and they taste good with salt and pepper. For breakfast I also had a rare thing, cereal. Usually I have oatmeal when getting ready for work, it's quick in the microwave oven. I had bought 2 single-serving packs of Lucky Charms, hadn't had them in a while. Made me think of the theater guy having it as a prop for St. Patrick's Day one year, he was playing a captured leprechaun.

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