Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mike Veeck Interview

I may not watch the Rosen Sports Sunday show every time after the 10pm news on WCCO, but I did this time as there was an interview with St. Paul Saints owner Mike Veeck. The Saints baseball season doesn't start until next month, but apparently he was in town trying to lobby the state legislature to get funding for a new stadium in Lowertown section of St. Paul. I do like seeing people get interviewed, as I like what can be learned from them. I liked how he said the favorite Saints player is probably Kevin Millar, as he later played a long major-league career including a World Series win with the Boston Red Sox.
   I did watch another segment of the baseball documentary with my date today, so now all we have left is the bonus features on it. We did look up the information on the baseball exhibit at a Minneapolis library, we have until June to see it and plan on getting there next weekend. I have been there before, as I recall it was for a book signing I heard about through the University of Iowa Alumni Association.
   My date was done in the mid-afternoon, I had enough to get to my employer's fitness center before it closed at 5pm. Another patron asked me to hold the door open to the locker room when I left, as he wanted to lift weights for a few minutes longer. I know full well to get in before 5pm, as otherwise you are locked out by the electronically-controlled door.
    I looked up quite a bit online after going to the fitness center, I noticed one concert tour I researched said it would be in Pacific Junction, Iowa. Never heard of it, and it's in my native state. Found out it's in southwest Iowa, near Omaha. Though I won't need to go there to see this particular music act, as they will also be at a nightclub in Maplewood.
   Other things I looked up was the origin on the Demon Deacon mascot for the athletic teams at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, where a classmate from high school attended. I was wearing a Deacon warmup basketball shirt, which did remind me about wanting to figure it out. According to Wikipedia the term was coined in a newspaper, maybe the campus paper, in the 1920s. The name 'Demon Deacons' stuck after a game when their team was described as such due to 'devilish play and fighting spirit'. On to the origin given for the stage name of musician Elizabeth Grant, which is Lana Del Rey. It was said how it was from Lana Turner, the actress, and the Ford Del Rey car. The car wasn't familiar to me, found out why- apparently just made for the South American market from 1981-1991. I got signed up for the newsletter for Pink, the musician, or often spelled P!nk. I've wanted to see her in concert, but previous research said she doesn't do concerts much in America, mostly TV appearances here. So it may mean going to Chicago for a concert, when it's the third-largest American city one can't ignore it. I took full advantage of all the concerts there when living there by attending plenty of shows.
 I can see some odd things while out walking around. In this case it was some free publication boxes that had graffiti saying 'Mike Gould for Mayor of Minneapolis'. nothing wrong with that, except this was in St. Paul, wrong city. This morning I had a dream about being in Great Britain on a train, getting off in time, but not enough time to get all 4 bags off. One of them was thrown at me.
   I decided to use a coupon from Barnes and Noble tonight, it was 'Welcome Borders Customer'. It gave me 20 percent off any item, I chose a book- 'Better Than Homemade' about 'amazing food that changed the way we eat'. I have use for 2 of the 3 coupons, before they expire at the end of the month. The other would be 'buy one get one free' on drinks at their cafe. I have no plans to buy a Nook to get a $50 gift card, as I still like traditional books and I'm afraid it will be like other electronic devices- becoming obsolete too quickly.  According to the sign near the front door, the Nook is $139, well over half the value of the gift card.     

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