Sunday, May 6, 2012

9 Hangers Tossed

After getting back into town from Iowa, I had to do errand running of course. This included the laundry, though I finally got it done on the third try. There were problems with the first two laundromats, so I went back to the one I knew in Maplewood. I asked the owner about doing some dry cleaning for me as well, getting prepared for attending a wedding. No problem, just takes a few days, now I need to figure out when to get there again to drop it off. I was greeted by the owner- 'hey Iowa'- (where I am from) and I was invited to look at some surveillance camera footage. She had been at the cabin over the weekend and was asked to review it since there was a theft of cash. She said she ascertained it as a patron, happening while the attendant was busy in another room and of course not looking. I also noticed there was an outdated calendar up above, flipped to February 2008. This was in a small room just behind the dollar bill changer. I was the last patron out tonight, so I saw the owner lock up the place. It also meant I didn't see a full episode of 'The Simpsons'- saw about half of it. I recognized it as a parody of Morgan Spurlock's documentary 'Supersize Me'. She was cleaning up- running the vacuum- and I didn't say anything as I was nearly done anyway when the TV was shut off. The main thing left was folding laundry after taking it out of the dryer. When I got home I decided to clean out some weak plastic hangers, it was nine in all. Now it means more of the wire hangers will get used.
    The morning began with some stormy weather, while having breakfast at a Village Inn. But it cleared off fairly quickly. I didn't have to drive through much rain. I made 3 stops, I prefer making it with just 1 or 2. I stopped in Clear Lake, then Owatonna. The final one was Lakeville, at the edge of the metro area. I saw the Best Buy near the interstate, knew it was one scheduled to be closed. I got a DVD, the original 'Muppet Movie'.  The cashier said October was the closing date, so not right away. I liked making it back for a meal at the Chicago-style hot dog place, near one of the laundromats. They had a pocket schedule for the St. Paul Saints so I picked one up. I finally decided to order a few items on my list tonight, the first being the Chicago Bears shorts since I came up empty in Des Moines this weekend. Found some on Ebay, a place where I've ordered before. The other item was the free flight on Delta, for the annual visit to St. Louis. Still need to reserve the hotel room and get the game tickets, but I can do that soon enough.

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