Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not a Morning Stretch

There was an exercise show on TV called 'Morning Stretch' when I was a kid. But I experienced something different this morning, it was a frantic search for my glasses. I fell asleep before taking them off and knew I needed to find them before leaving for work. I did, but it meant not having breakfast at home as I wanted to get on the bus on time. Since I was moving around quite a bit, guessing as to where they were, it was likely more exercise than I normally get in the morning. Aside from walking out to catch the bus of course.
   In the evening I saw a man, likely drunk, fall on a woman when the bus stopped and he blamed the driver for slamming on the brakes. I said it is a good idea to hold onto the rail for balance. Naturally I waited until the man had gotten off the bus, didn't care to argue with him at all. The driver kept asking if the woman was all right. She did look a little shaken up about it.
    Tonight at the comedy club was the second night of the contest. The top four advanced as there was a tie for third. The MC said he made an 'executive decision' to let both advance, I think most were fine with this. I had seen two of the comics who advanced perform before. After hearing the show closer do a joke, I said he sounded familiar as I recognized his voice. He said he was a native of the Twin City area but now lives in New York, made it part of his act by speaking of it onstage. He has a deep voice and even did a joke about how somebody said he should do voice-overs. Something about how we jsut like your voice and prefer to see less of you in person, it was brilliant.

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