Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Spoon In The Street

After getting back from the comedy club tonight, I saw a spoon in the street. Don't know how it got there, with most things there is a story. I kicked it to the curb, which is what I do with trash every so often. But I do my best to throw it in a trash bin if there is one nearby.
   A notable thing I did today was decide to quit an online program. It was a survey site I didn't use much, I currently had just 10 points in my account. I had earned enough for airline miles earlier this year but was annoyed at how it took them a month to post it. I answer more surveys on another site and they post miles immediately. I get a few points by answering a quick survey, but the real points are earned by signing up for things or buying things, didn't want to to do that. Though I did ask for an insurance quote to get enough for the airline miles, and later didn't get the insurance. It's one less email I will be getting, but I know there may be other mailing lists I can unsubscribe from to lower the volume greatly. I saw plenty that said make donations before the deadline tonight, since it is an election year. There was mention of getting some points just by returning to the site, and this message was what prompted me to withdraw. I had meant to do it much earlier, maybe as early as when the miles posted. I've been trying to get rid of what I don't use in my home as well, with limited success.
   On the bus tonight after work I heard somebody mention the old TV show 'Gimme a Break' which starred Nell Carter. Hadn't heard about the show in quite a while. At the comedy club tonight I said hi to a few people but didn't speak to anyone at length. As expected, there were some jokes about the Olympic Games. Topical humor tends to go well.

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