Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Buy Me a Buzzcut

When I was waiting for the bus this morning, I threw out some trash which included a package of chicken flavored Ramen noodles. I had some of these while still in high school when I was visiting somebody I knew- they were already in college. I didn't like them and don't think I've had them since. On the way home I threw out trash I found on the bus when I reached my stop, a wrapper for a roast beef sandwich from Superamerica.
   I think sooner or later I will end up with an account at Amazon, as when I am searching I keep finding things they have that I like. This includes some Maytag books, such as the laundry encyclopedias and a microwave cookbook. I have two editions of the laundry encyclopedias, hand size and paperback, the third and fifth. Looks like they have the second and fourth. With Maytag cookbooks I already have a paperback handsize edition and something with larger pages but thinner volume, it appears to be a companion to their Dutch oven.
   At the comedy club tonight I spoke with a comic I had seen perform before a few times, once in the Twin Cities and another time in July in St. Louis. He was introduced by another comic I know, then I found out why he spoke of St. Louis. I said I had seen a comic do a joke about the menagerie owner who killed himself and released his wild animals- saying it was a neighbor to his parents- then he said 'I'm that guy'. The other comic when I was leaving said he would buy me a buzzcut, I said 'oh, we must be back at that one again'.
   After I was at the comedy club I decided to go through my box of music, and decided to destroy two sample CDs that had been sent to me in the mail. They were from the Teaching Company, and I still have two others remaining from them. I might go through and evaluate these again real soon.
   I had the Pretenders song 'Don't Get Me Wrong' stuck in my head for a few days so I finally had to go onto Youtube and find the song. My guess is I was thinking of it as I knew it was in the movie 'Gung Ho', starring Michael Keaton. It's a movie I have on VHS.
   I did watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special tonight before heading to the comedy club. It was largely by accident as I was switching over to the ABC where they air those specials now. Reminds me of how it has been parodied on 'The Simpsons' with Santa's Little Helper playing Snoopy.

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