Sunday, November 25, 2012

Whopper Jr. at Burger King

I went to Burger King in Eagan this evening and had a Whopper Junior, first time I had been there in a while. Liked reading the paper there, at least what was left of it by then. Besides ads, I found two sections of comics- one from the St. Paul paper and the other from the Minneapolis paper- and the local section where I liked reading about the development plans for the former Schmidt brewery and the Union Depot in St. Paul. I had driven past the brewery before and mainly noticed the water sales being advertised, like a gallon of spring water for 50 cents. It's nice to see the Grain Belt bottle up on the corner as well, as it can't be covered up like the other billboards were.
   I stayed in with my date and watched the Bears-Vikings football game, Bears won 28-10. We later on watched an episode of 'Little House' where the town of Walnut Grove banded together and said they didn't want the railroad taking away their farms.
  After I went home tonight I went over to a convenience store and asked if they had any Wonder Bread or Hostess items left as I didn't see any, but the clerk was unsure if they had ever carried it. He seemed unaware of why they went out of business, I said it was likely a combination of factors. He kept telling me about certain items being sold for real cheap, like 6 bananas for 99 cents. I got a compliment about the winter boots I was wearing, I said it was due to going to the Gopher football game this weekend. He also seemed unaware of what the game result was so I said the Gophers lost. He must have been bored if he wanted to talk to me for a while, but at first I didn't mind too much as I like to hear people's stories. But eventually I knew I needed to move on as it was the stop I wanted to make before going to the grocery store.
   It was nice to see a picture I was in tagged on Facebook, it was taken at the comedy club on Tuesday. I said I don't dance much but I took two dance classes in college, as the caption made a reference to dancing. Not sure why, but it was the one where I was wearing a black shirt.
   This morning I had an odd dream, then again many of my dreams tend to be odd. It was one where I was reading a writer magazine that had the work 'bankrupt' in its name. I like to analyze my own dreams, I know I had been thinking about writer magazines quite a bit recently since I had done an assessment to choose which one out of four writer magazines I would keep as I didn't read them enough. The bankrupt part was likely due to Wonder Bread and Hostess deciding to liquidate recently, helped by already being in bankruptcy protection at the time of a labor dispute.  

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