Thursday, November 8, 2012

Robin Williams and Homer Simpson

Normally I watch 'Nightline' on ABC but when I found out Robin Williams and Homer Simpson would be on 'Letterman' on CBS I watched Letterman instead. Both are favorites and made me laugh, no surprise there. Homer was helping Letterman with the Top Ten list. Robin Williams did an extended interview, hard to keep up with his high-energy comedy. I knew this from seeing his show at Northrop Auditorium at the University of Minnesota in 2008. He had jokes about his travel being diverted due to the hurricane, about kids he saw wanting halloween candy, visiting a bed and breakfast for a wedding anniversary, and a Marlon Brando impression from Brando doing an acting class apparently. I still like any reminders of those connected to my favorite movie, 'Good Will Hunting', which Williams was in.
   I had basically run out of food as I didn't want to eat a can of soup, it was all that was left. So I went to the grocery store and got a meal tonight for real cheap- 2 burritos and a bag of chips for $1.84. I knew I had enough pocket change for that much. I watched two episodes of 'Big Bang Theory' tonight- a syndicated rerun and then a prime-time first-run episode- then went to the library to print some things. The first-run episode had recurring guest stars Levar Burton and Wil Wheaton on it, as both had been regulars on 'Star Trek' shows.
   I'm starting to look like a big shot! I was surprised to get an invitation for a free membership from Enterprise Rentacar. It's for access to 1,200 global business lounges with a company called Regus. It says it can be used to 'Stay in touch with your office and clients.' Well I really don't have any clients, but I do like knowing I may have a place where I can check email for free while out of town. It looks like they have locations in the Twin Cities, once the member card arrives I may want to check out one of these nearby lounges.
   I know some of this is likely due to my Enterprise loyalty membership finally being activated this week. I also got an invite to POPs (Popular Opinions Prevail) from Enterprise, where I can 'view surveys and discussions'. Wonder if it means it's another way I can earn points in my membership account, that would be nice.
  Speaking of 'The Simpsons' I liked the syndicated rerun I saw tonight. It was the one where ex-President Bush (41) became a neighbor to the Simpsons. It ended with another ex-President, Gerald Ford, inviting Homer over to watch the football game, and both tripped.

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