Monday, July 8, 2013

Car Ownership Anniversary

   Today was a benchmark of sorts, as I have now owned my current car for 10 years. It is a notable holdover from living in suburban Chicago. I moved to the Twin Cities less than a year after buying it. This is just the fourth I have owned, and the longest by far on ownership. I did own one for more than six years. I am hopeful it still has some more years left in it. I am also reminded of how it is personal preference on a word like benchmark. I like using it, but I have a friend that prefers milestone. These words do have similar meanings.   
   I was onstage at the comedy club tonight, a warmup for my contest night this week. I liked hearing the compliments along the way. The show closer was the one who likes doing the bathtub joke, and he did do the joke so I was pleased. I asked if he had any of his CDs and did, so he got one out of the car and he was paid for it. I wanted one earlier but didn't have the cash money on me at the time. Two people ran the light early in the show.
   Notable about the long day at work was hearing from a colleague who has nicknames for sportsmen he doesn't like. He reminded me how his nickname for the Twins manager, Ron Gardenhire, was 'Santa Claus'. Since he kind of looks like Santa.

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