Saturday, April 19, 2014

Grant's Tomb

     I bought some more postcards at an antique place near downtown St. Paul this afternoon, 9 in all. One of them was of Riverside Church and Grant's Tomb in New York City. It reminded me of the stale joke about who is buried in Grant's Tomb. I like how I haven't run out of ideas just yet at this place. But there are so many cards to look at there, and in some cases one might be more appealing at a later time since I want to stick to a budget. There was another one from New York City, it is of the United Nations member flags. I did get the two on my list, out of three. I thought about getting some that are locked up but those can wait, especially when they cost more. Many of these I am getting for a dollar or less, and I prefer volume at this point. The two on my list that I bought were of the Schlitz Assembly in Milwaukee, and a folio from Expo 74 in Spokane, Washington- a World's Fair. The one from Minnesota was of the gates at Como Park in St. Paul. Near the Schlitz card I liked finding one of an Eastern Airlines plane flying over Miami Beach. I picked up another one of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan, this time of the entrance. Another card is of the patriot's monument in Lexington,MA. And the final one is patriotic, babies with their first flag at the Bicentennial. Then after getting shoes at the Kohl's in Maplewood Mall I went to a Goodwill and got another photo album for more postcards. It ended up replacing one with a bad spine, and it holds more photos than the previous one. And two more E-bay orders arrived, both postcards. One was of the Charlie Brown comic strip being on display at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. Another was from the Chicago World's Fair, site of the city's first settlement, where Jean Du Sable lived. Before I got started today I finished up with getting all of the baseball cards in binders. I destroyed 4 more that were duplicates- a total of 9, out of 100.
   I went to a friend's comedy show tonight, the Worthington native was headliner. I knew many of the other performers as well. The 'Extra murder' comic and the Perkins employee did guest sets. I liked hearing the former do one about getting a second cellphone.  The latter did the one about his mom cashing checks for him. The feature act was the 'Theme park/Trailer park' comic. With the headliner, I liked hearing ones about breaking up via carrier pigeon and a more recent one about the El Camino therapist, a longer version of the latter. Ones I hadn't heard before but liked were the biker bar and saying he was musician Eric Church's brother. I got his CD after the show and a photo as well, so he will be added to the 'Ring of Honor'. I knew the MC as well, he did ones about a sticky mousetrap and hiding birth control pills in his lady's food.    

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