Friday, April 18, 2014

Our Lady Of Guadalupe Enchiladas

    I wanted to go to a fish fry tonight after work but it was hard to find one since it is Good Friday. To complete the Lenten season I decided to select a church as the place to eat this time. What I found was the Our Lady of Guadalupe church in St. Paul, having an enchilada dinner. It may not have been fish but I still liked it. There were plenty of photos on display on easels in the middle of the room. I got a picture of the banner on the wall advertising the event. There of course was more outside so I got pictures of these as well. I got there about 10 minutes before they were scheduled to stop serving. At first I thought the plastic cup they gave me was for drinking out of- it wasn't. It had a number on it and was for the servers to know where to deliver the food when it is ready. I was drinking a can of Coca-Cola, they were out of Sprite, so I didn't need to drink out of a cup anyway.
   More E-bay orders arrived, one of these orders was of three postcards. Two were of spring training stadiums in Florida- Tampa and St. Petersburg- and the third was from Terre Haute, Indiana. When I researched the Terre Haute stadium this week the Wikipedia page said it is now the site now of a football stadium for the local college, Indiana State University. The arch features prominently on the postcard, and apparently that may be all that remains from the original structure. Another was of the Hamm's brewery in St. Paul. I know some of this complex still remains though it is no longer operating as a brewery. I also bought two postcards at midday at a convenience store in the skyway. One was a cartoon, a conversation between elephants where one said they were getting a personal trainer. The other is also a cartoon, it is of 'Cube land' in an office somewhere and the caption says 'The weekend is coming'. There were multiples of the former, but I seemed to find the only copy of the latter. I liked how I got these two for less than a dollar.
   Tonight was also spent at the comedy club. I was running late and wanted to say hi to some comics before I went in to see the show so I didn't see anything of the lead-off comic. But I would have liked to since it was the bus fare comic. The Mr. Pibb comic did one about online banking. The 'Rut-roh' comic did one about the usage of the word ghetto. The Tetris comic did one about movies he cried at, reading from a list apparently since there were so many of them. The roller grill comic did some improvisational humor with his co-star from a Fringe Festival show. The 'Extra murder' comic did one about his check engine light, then contended with a heckler but I thought he handled himself well. My 'Bestie' did one about finding a dead body. After the show I liked to hear him talk about the business of doing comedy, and about subjects besides comedy. I hope to attend some of his upcoming shows. The 'Bathtub comic' did one about breakfast, reminding me of a joke from a TV commercial I saw as a kid but don't recall what restaurant it was from. And he did one about white water rafting.

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