Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The History Of History

    I found the time to complete a project that was due soon, it was called 'The history of history'. It was sent to me by the University of Iowa, where I graduated from. A class of undergraduate history majors is working on documenting the history of the department and its former faculty, students, culture, and traditions. As part of a final project this semester, they are compiling a 'Memory book' which includes stories and reflections from history alumni about their time at Iowa. I wrote just over two pages. For those who know me best, it likely comes as no surprise how I wrote this much. I even said so in the writing I sent. In the attachment I included a copy of my business card, including where to find the blog. I spoke of the dorm buildings I lived in, and places where I worked at while at the University. I spoke of finding the Writer's Walk of Fame in downtown Iowa City, and how I am pleased that Emerson Hough is one of the writers honored.
     We did Wii dancing at work near the end of the day. This time we had spectators near the end of the time allotment, guess they didn't feel like dancing. 'Call me' by Blondie was one of the songs we danced to. Others we danced to included a song with lyrics about 'Shake it like a polaroid picture'- and 'Crazy, oh-oh'. The event coordinator thought the latter was by Beyonce Knowles though the version listed the performer as 'Studio musicians'. When I arrived she was dancing to 'Viva Las Vegas' by Elvis Presley.
    At the comedy club tonight, the most notable thing had to be a comic who told one joke and left. The punch line was 'Don't fence me in'. The 'Rut-roh' comic was MC. The bus fare comic did the cat food and condoms joke, and added to it some. The school bouncer comic did one about being hassled by a bouncer at a nightclub about wearing a coat. I can take it off. Auto-correct did the one about why she doesn't like kids. The godmother did ones about doing the polar plunge, as well as acronyms. I guess somebody didn't understand what 'MBA' meant. The Kentucky native did ones about attending a Catholic wedding, picnics, mosquitoes, and discovering music like REO Speed-wagon. The university accountant did ones about getting carded at the library, and 'That's so raven'. The bartender did one about Nyquil.      

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