Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hot Dogs After Meeting

    We had an employee meeting at street level this afternoon and there was ballpark fare after it to commemorate the Twins home opener from the previous day. So I did have a hot dog even though it is at a time of day when typically I don't eat. I am hopeful there will be a follow up event where we can have another hot dog, as I would expect there to be some leftovers. There usually is when food is ordered at the office. And I liked wearing my Twins jersey at the office, along with getting some
recognition near the end of the meeting about 15 years of service.
     At the comedy club tonight, the bus fare comic was the show closer. He did do the 'High at the movie theater' joke. And I sort of got a shout out for laughing at the setup to the bus fare joke, was called a ghost. The sub teacher did more jokes about his relationship. The show runner was onstage as well, doing his traded for a turkey joke. I got a shout out for it. The dental assistant finished his set with a joke about JFK and MLK playing cards. The neck tattoo comic was MC, but I was in the bar area early on in the show, discussing things like what comedy CDs I have. Currently I have 5 CDs done by my comedian friends. I am still finding out who has done one, and it likely means adding more to the ring of honor. All of those 5 are in this ring of honor, although it is just one of the two in Valley Meadows. The other I haven't seen as much lately.         

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