Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mosaic Cafe, Minneapolis

    This afternoon I went to another Vietnam event, readings by three different writers. It was my first time at this venue, the Mosaic Café in Minneapolis. Though the neighborhood looked familiar due to the big Target sign nearby. I had been to Patrick's Cabaret, and this was across the street. The first speaker spoke of meeting John Wayne, and his dead shrink.
   I was double-booked today, as I made it over to Eden Prairie for a recording for a radio show which will air in a week. It was hosted by the sub teacher, and the other guest was the ex-TSA comic. I was thankful to be on the show, and said so when the hour was complete. I made many pop-culture references when we covered multiple subjects. I did take some pictures while there, like of an 'On the air' sign as well as the welcome sign seen from the road. Due to the rain and construction detours, I needed plenty of time to get from the first event to the second. This included finding my lunch
somewhere, and I did at Bobby and Steve's but not the Godfather's Pizza that I like. You go with what is available, and I got the chicken and mashed potatoes. I ate it upstairs before I was on my way again, can't eat it in my car like the pizza.
    In the evening I watched The Simpsons, an episode about breeding horses. Then I finished up reading the papers from the month of September, but I had to rewrite my notes from the first 3 weeks of the month as I couldn't read all of them well enough. There was a cartoon about the Minnesota Orchestra labor dispute. The governor's aunt passed. Dennis Rodman made a visit to North Korea, and Cretin football was on ESPN. I liked an article about the Silver Dome Ballroom in Wisconsin. Twitter is going public. Pope Frank in an interview castigated 'Small rules' and said the Catholic Church is 'Obsessed' with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. The Jeff Trevino murder trial began. Dayton and Rybak were in accord to their message to the orchestra: talk. Doubts persist for the Vikings stadium deal. There was a cartoon about the government shutdown default, till we get our way, the Tea Party. The Vikings are in London, and Ferentz is trying to return the Iowa Hawkeyes football team to better days.
   Finally there is the funny columnist. there was a poll for mayor, will they drop into a principal's office now and then and pop them on the nose, just to get his attention. Cats that kill a billion birds a year are nothing to crow about. Also feral crows and a no-corpse policy for the trash. It really made me laugh when he spoke of hanging a crow- getting a jump on Halloween. Caw! Ha-ha. A sign for the times- brother, can you spare a building? He buried a hobo in the basement. Then it's art, when it's old. When it's something we wish we'd saved. Good signs are landmarks. Avoiding the issue doesn't make it go away. It was about a book called 'Eleanor and Park' by Rainbow Russell. It was banned due to the swearing in it. But he did allude to how this usually backfires, as banning something tends to make it even more popular. And he said anyone who bans it will likely be mentioned with the book during Banned Books Week. 

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