Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Gumby In Parade

     I went to see the St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown St. Paul near my workplace at midday. I got plenty of pictures, one of them was of Gumby. Well I guess he is green, and we do like green things on this day. I saw a horse at the end of the parade that kept backing up, then went forward. Not sure if the horse was spooked.  I liked getting some souvenirs, including a St. Paul Saints medallion necklace celebrating the opening of their new stadium in May.
   I liked seeing plenty of familiar faces at the comedy club tonight, including the Big Dog and School Bouncer. Both were added to the lineup. I did many of the same jokes as Monday, but this time I also did the one about visiting the Hemingway Home in Oak Park over the weekend. Some were not on my list but I read the crowd reaction when I took the stage and made reference to how friends at times will laugh before I even tell a joke.
   After I got home I decided to order some postcards on E-bay. Since I was in Chicagoland recently it reminded me of some postcards I can get of Des Plaines. One was of a Metra commuter train, and the other three were of a place called the O'Hare Inn at Mannheim and Higgins. One of these three is postally used from 1976. Sometimes I like having these kind as it can be fun to read what the sender wrote. And of course there is a stamp. It does remind me of how the postcard I sent myself has not arrived yet, but it should be soon. 
    Louisiana was MC tonight. He did ones about book learning, fired from a head shop, business casual, butterfly kisses, Neosporin, and a phone battery. School bouncer did ones about car wreck stats, building wells in Africa, and sunblock at a swimming pool. A comic I will call Woody did ones about oil changes, a mouse problem, get a cat, he has kids, and pack a briefcase. Brew did ones about paying off student loans, eating at McDonald's, avoiding eye contact on Tinder, dating a dumb girl, and books on Netflix. A comic who does a rap persona did ones about his raps are on Youtube, and is Redbox open? Bronze did one about Auto World, and the movie 'Roger and Me'. Ding Dong did ones about rescue me a beer, band of merry pranksters, stole all the communion, and urn on storage wars. Big Dog did ones about being a dog sitter and it ran away, do you have a picture of it?, prowling the streets, and a search party. University accountant did ones about motivated running, peeling the plastic, the 99 problems song, kickboxing class, and bottles of beer on the wall. Airport bartender did ones about green beer, male cheerleader in high school, long term lease, what crying feels like, and DUI and Little League.

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