Thursday, March 19, 2015

Worm Ice Cream

    At the comedy club tonight, I led off with a joke about worm ice cream, in reference to a book I read as a kid, 'Super-Fudge'. One of the characters in it suggests it as a flavor. A comic before me spoke about worms and it was what triggered the memory.
     Long Straw did ones about Tom Hanks movies, jeans to the gym, confidence isn't always good, a Cubs urn, groceries at Target, and childhood insult. Mr. Pibb did ones about a Rihanna song, stealing from Macy's, looks like a snitch, take them to Southdale, and hopscotch course. Tortoise did ones about being immortal, shaking hands in bed, evil crazy guy, and freelance detective. The brothers also performed. The taller one is also first in the alphabet. He did ones about already looking homeless, and rides the train often. He also referred to the TV monitor still being on behind him. He was followed by somebody who did ones about a charity auction and a shaving cut. Perkins did ones about a shaving cut, Netflix is cheaper, GPS locations, coral reef tank, and the booze factory. Magic Man did ones about Tom Tom navigating, I have Siri now, HR manager at Minnesota Daily, and a swimming lifeguard. Duffel bag did ones about Good Charlotte music on the bus, still has a driver permit after 10 years, and worms after the rain. She had multiple smiley faces on her sweater. No-mic did ones about walk a mile in his shoes, became a vegetarian because of who he dated, a dream about meat, BBQ chicken, and fake bacon.

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