Monday, March 9, 2015

Kidney Bean In Park

   I found a satiric video on Youtube about the city of Chicago, and one thing mentioned in it was a kidney bean mirror in a park. Before it I liked listening to 'Chicago calling me home'. I keep telling people how it is hard to ignore this part of my life, living in the metro area's northwest suburbs for nearly 6 years. Also today I confirmed that one photo on my Facebook page was of the food truck that exploded in Lakeville over the weekend, called 'Motley Crews' after the music group. I saw it at the Saints baseball game last May. I didn't eat there but knew a comic friend would like hearing about this particular food truck since he has plenty of music knowledge.
   I made it to the comedy club tonight as well. The crow did ones about not first rodeo burger, small feet, along with dad and a knuckle sandwich. A comic who spoke of being native did ones about monogamy, and an albino found porn. The Whopper did one about a social media job. D.C. native did ones about karma is real, one year sober, rock bottom, and TP houses. School bouncer did ones about the kid in a field, and sunblock at the swimming pool. Laundry did one about a zombie. Bus fare did ones about seeing a therapist, and somebody's horse died. Mr. Pibb did one about no dessert. Three by three did ones about agnostic, autistic, and 3.14. A former MC did one about an online purse. Maryland did ones about ordering on Amazon, and a high horse. University accountant did ones about an apple, and kickboxing. Mason City did ones about potato head, Zoloft, and a log flume. I can't read my notes for postage stamp. Sub teacher did one about a sex press conference. Bathtub did ones about a fresh dog, and one pullup. Tetris did one about a Skype breakup.      

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