Monday, December 14, 2015

Candy Cane Blizzard

   I had a 2 for 1 Dairy Queen coupon for blizzard treats and used it this weekend. I eat one at the store and take the other home. I had the candy cane blizzard tonight before going to the comedy club, and 1 of the 2 I get is whatever the blizzard of the month is. I liked how I didn't have to soften it for a half minute in the microwave oven. I know sometimes when I save it in the freezer for later it is rock-hard, even if it was there for just a day.
   I liked performing again at the comedy club, I was the fifth comic tonight. Oklahoma's lady liked the first one, about Taco Bell, I found out after the show. I did do one about 'Binders full of women', inspired by conversations with Mason City on a Facebook post.
   Normally I get roller grill items when I stop at Super-America on the way to the club on this night of the week, but this time I noticed there still was some slices of pepperoni pizza in the warmer so I had one of them. So claiming the free bag of Lay's chips can wait.
   Also at the comedy club, Ukulele did ones about haters, his doctor, and blood. Soap opera did ones about weddings, love triangle, Star Wars, Jabba the Hutt, 9 year old funeral, pearl harbor, and grandpa. The shorter of the brothers did ones about a triple-X store, pillow fights, Best Buy, 7-11, smokers and Pez, and free t-shirts. I wrote down what am I doing here, must be song lyrics I heard. Cee-note did ones about life is a party, lazy, disgusting, and hiring manager. International Falls did ones about cough syrup, online dress shopping, Benadryl, J-crew, codeine, holding babies, Tig documentary, and I want bangs. Mr. Pibb did ones about a TSA body scanner, dancing with the stars, pop tarts, last meal, scallops, and Groupon. Wisconsin dude did ones about a health-ed teacher, cold sore, donut, driver test, and Target clinic. Others were about Obama, Lebron James, free pie, robot arm, yoga, and a car wreck. Louisiana did ones about cut off at bar, hipster beard, catch a unicorn, broken up I'm fine, strawberries on salad, flashlight, breakup feedback, and palm a football. Sub teacher did ones about hunting wild boar, first avenue, bookworm, buying elections, killing people from sky, STD, urgent care, and friendships awkward. University accountant did ones about stay in pajamas, dic-pics worked, coupon at dinner, gluten free singles, pout, peekaboo, sleeveless dress, and wife beater. Worthington did ones about bath for god-kid, saw the donut table, hate speech riddle, forensic files, how he got caught, ping pong table, and craigslist. I also wrote 'Belarus', so there must have been a shoutout to this comic.
   Moving on. Extra murder did ones about broken auto door, Steve Harvey,handsomeness level, Saturday night fever, did she send you?, and renew vows. School bouncer did ones about hand check, step-kids, sex receipts, AK-47 bullet, Canada bank, NBA trophy, and Lebron. Oklahoma did ones about exotic dancer, sell insurance, Kia, apartment, cat, Field of Dreams, family gift exchange, jack and cokes, fun uncle, and send it through. Tetris did ones about mall train, Nic Cage, red light cameras, donut shops, Picasso, Weezer song, and traffic at rally. Wee bit did ones about jaywalking, gas station condoms, oysters, bought condoms, pawn shop stories, clear throat, advice at gym, angels in outfield, and NFL teams. Fever comic did ones about homeless carts full, dominatrix, ugly wife, cults,crowd work- compliance auditor, dueling, STD, sore throat, fundamentalist deer, and flashlight.

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