Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Good Bad Photo Shop

    I am still going through comedy souvenirs that are being put in a binder. It also means looking at one that has pocket schedules and business cards in it. One of them was on a comedy page, called 'Good bad photo shop'. I think I picked up this little ad at a show but not sure when. It says send us any scenario, your photo, and $19.95. We will get you a photo shop original. I think it is auto-correct who was in charge of it. I do like the progress I am making on the binders, as there are now two that have comedy souvenirs in it. I am trying to group things logically, such as from the same performer or around the same time. Although it does remind me of other things that probably belong in it. Some of what I added was Wikipedia articles of people I know. This is why it is kind of a big deal on doing comedy. One has become a big deal if there is such an article about them. Three are in the binder, this would be the Wisconsin couple as well as the Fancy comic. I found out there is another 'Ring of honor' member who has a Wikipedia page- Fergus falls, who I opened for twice now including this year. Some of it also means moving things around a little. I like having some of these items on display at the office as I spend enough time there. Some were sent there as they were duplicate cards, and the I have an excuse to keep both around. Now it means sending a card from one club there after confirming I had two, one in the business card binder and the other I pulled off the wall. I said to myself I hadn't really needed these cards on the wall as I hadn't called the numbers yet. they were all of venues, the three stand-alone clubs in the Twin City area and the non-profit comic- run club. I have been to all of their open mics. I notice this means I now have three different kinds of cards from Mason City, who is a showcase organizer at one of the four venues.
  It went fine performing at the comedy club tonight, helped by being by myself before going onstage so I had the time I needed to go over material. I had a half-day of work at my office job, and I was done at midday. It was no problem getting to the office on time as the buses were running with little or no delay in spite of the snowstorm overnight and into today.
   Also at the comedy club, International Falls did ones about a flask of cough syrup, order a dress, a Benadryl guy, Sudafed, Target, day 464 no HR, pregnant colleague, went to online employee manual, and emergency contact to Prince. I also wrote down 'if it makes you happy' by Sheryl Crow, this must have been a song I heard while at the club. Lunch Lady did ones about Boston transplant, give them weeks to campaign, Mick Jagger, Florence Henderson, toilet paper roll, Chrysler minivan, Smithsonian magazine, and married a geek. Blake did ones about not ready to have kids, sea monkeys, oil dipstick, funnel cake, scary movies, naming books, lady at bar, stick figure family, and spider in grapes. Blind Side did ones about a car wreck, and being adopted. I-falls said I was practicing being Santa, as I was sitting down.

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