Thursday, December 3, 2015

Double Dip Deductions

    My employer was spun off recently and there was a warning how there might be double dip deductions on our paycheck. This would have been the week of the separation as it happened on a Wednesday so there were two checks for that week instead of one. I still need to investigate to see if this happened to me as well. Looks like it did for a deduction to my savings account, but I don't mind that one as I still get the money somewhere. Sounds like it may be for some other things as well, and I do have the bus pass and health insurance deduction, along with 401-k. My guess is it wasn't a double dip for the taxes.
    I stayed in tonight except to go get dinner at Super-America. There was really no dinner food left, or at least I didn't want to spend time preparing anything as there is a box of Star Wars macaroni that I got at a Family Dollar. I used the free donut on my loyalty card and chose the egg nog filled donut over the jelly donut. I also got some Frito-Lay chips for the first time in a while as I wanted to get closer to getting a free bag. I hadn't done this lately as they no longer have the smaller bags, and I prefer single serving in order to help keep the weight down. I fell asleep while watching the Packers-Lions football game and finally went to get dinner around 8:30pm. I was supposed to have a date tonight but got a text message around 6pm and asked it be postponed, was told my date was too busy with meetings. So now it is on for Saturday.
   The football game on CBS meant there was no prime time episode of 'Big Bang Theory' tonight. I did watch the syndicated rerun at first, but then found out it is the one where Leonard sees his high school bully again and didn't want to see it. So I started shaving in the bathroom and kept the door shut. So I could still hear it and not see it, which was fine with me. I like most episodes of this show but not all.
   There was a Facebook posting about a video I was a part of in November in Brooklyn Park. I am in the ending part when we are singing. My takeaways were The Crow with a weed whacker and School Bouncer doing his LeBron James bit and getting no response to it. Hopeful to get more offers to be in videos much like this one.

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