Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Charlie In The Box

   I had heard on Facebook how the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special would be on tonight. I still like watching it, it is for kids of all ages. There are two things in particular that I like. One of them is the 'Charlie in the box', a misfit toy as he should be a 'Jack in the box'. He is the sentry and says 'Halt, who goes there' when Rudolph arrives with Hermey and Yukon Cornelius. But it was his later scene that really does it for me. When Santa arrives at the island of misfit toys Charlie is jumping for joy. But in his case you're hearing the spring he is on- 'Boing, boing'. I also like Mrs. Claus saying to Santa 'eat, eat'- as nobody wants a thin Santa. But he is worried about the weather, as many people are. Rudolph is a special thing to me as I once worked for Montgomery Ward, and Rudolph was created by a Wards employee. They did tell us the story at times while I worked there, and some of the older employees had Rudolph sweatshirts that were given by the company one year.
   It went well at the comedy club tonight. Long straw is still doing the smashed penny joke, and I did have a rebuttal ready but he was the first one on after the MC and he left before my set. I said I was familiar with 'Answer songs' like California Gurls (sic) by Katy Perry being a response to 'Empire state of mind' by Jay-Z. Buca di Beppo at Thanksgiving was what led me to being a Facebook photo that International Falls posted, likely as it was early, the one after my smashed penny rebuttal.
  At work of course it was nice to have a lower volume day than Monday. I made 8 more new files, we don't do this that often. I went to my 'work spouse' and had to ask about a box before opening it. I was told it was more file folders, it threw me at first saying it was from Staples but this was who we ordered from, not who made them. I said I didn't want to get yelled at for opening the box as I know sometimes things are sent to the file room (or vault) for safekeeping as it is largely a controlled entrance room, not everybody has a code to access it.
   Also at the comedy club, International Falls did ones about vomit twice very hot, 48 hours on Facebook, Tinder trolling, street harasser, Tig documentary, bangs, vacuum, and kill mice. Long straw did ones about Tetris, Dr. Mario, smashed penny, Tom Hanks, and fedora and cardigan. The crow did ones about 3 dudes in a car, swearing nephew, and n/a beer. Blake did ones about doing laundry, and intro himself. I-falls said it's not karaoke, to somebody in the crowd who spoke of ZZ Top and Chuck Berry. I say 'it's been done' a lot. But it fits. Just like 'thanks for the warning' and 'I've had enough'.

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