Sunday, December 27, 2015

Trainwreck Movie

   I watched a Redbox rental this afternoon, 'Trainwreck', starring Amy Schumer. It was all right. First time I think I had seen anything by this comic. What made the movie was the supporting characters, they seemed to be funnier than Amy. She seemed to be sarcastic too often. I liked it when she was able to be serious. There were plenty of cameos, or people starring as themselves, besides basketball player LeBron James. I recalled seeing posters for this movie all over New York City when I was visiting there in August. The movie title fits well, as Amy does seem to be a train-wreck.
   I also spent plenty of time going through comedy souvenirs and getting them into sheet protectors in a binder. These were the ones socked away in a big envelope. It was mostly show promo cards. This was spurred by a conversation I had with Big Dog after the CD recording last night. He joked how he didn't expect to look at the binder. After getting more things added, I did say on Facebook that he should fear not as he is in it probably more often than others. This is especially true if you count anything related to The Turkeys, the troupe he is front-man of. I like how much of it, half of the bigger binder (there are 2 binders) is from this year as it has been a more active one for me performing. Seeing a wide variety of comics in it, some may see it as a 'Who's who' of the Twin City comedy scene. But it still proves the ambivalence I have about comedy. I do like supporting friends, but I like stage time even more.
   In the evening I did go to the comedy club, but I think I was a little off. I did just 3 of 8 things on my list, and too much of it when ad-libbed seemed to be about dating failures. It probably didn't help that another comic wanted to talk to me right before I went on. Why does he still want to ask me about the relationship I was in, that ended over 2 years ago? I am surprised that there are some who still didn't know. Especially when I thought I already answered all of these questions last week. There was yet another comic who says I should start a podcast, I said I am not IT savvy. I wouldn't call either one of them friends, by any means. This is still my Achilles heel, trying to reason with people who can't be reasoned with. Sometimes it means needing to be assertive, and saying 'I have had enough' and not waiting for them to end the conversation.
   Also at the comedy club, Brawler did ones about a storm trooper, Die Hard, Long Kiss Goodnight, dinner at Mickey's diner, Weight Watchers, Verizon guy, test tube baby, stepdad a drug addict, delicious cereal, just get receipts, the OD tree, extended eye contact, only eat broccoli, and social services. Long Straw did ones about marriage is temporary, she's pregnant right, 2 year coke binge, ska and reggae, creative writing degree, blockbuster video, house arrest employee, sort of like your life, and plate of asparagus. Radio personality did ones about jogging, Eminem in 8-mile, sword collection, neighbor at XYZ apartments, little sister a gardener, gangster squirrels, tick marks, not Anoka, Coon Rapids, Sarah Mac, and Ted Nugent. Wee bit did ones about bun in oven, Tinder, take hike, try to live fantasies, angels in outfield, sports team names, grocery store out of business, same color car, and Star Wars spoiler.

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