Tuesday, December 22, 2015

North Star Meat Raffle Show

    I did two shows tonight with the Wisconsin couple, it was the north star meat raffle comedy show. I was the 'Live blogger' and gave comments during the show every so often. It was tough for me to just go to the green room after the first show as I am used to helping out, as my jobs in school were dishwasher and janitor. But the bossman said he had it covered so I didn't need to help round up drinking glasses. I spoke of my dad working at Maytag when asked what impressions I did besides Bob Dylan, as I spoke of how the show reminded me of Prairie Home Companion and I once met Garrison Keillor when doing an impressions contest. There was also the flooded McDonald's, a video as art, after hearing a poet refer to a McDonald's. Then there was a comic I didn't know who said she had a show in New Ulm soon, and I like going there for Oktoberfest. I said this was a rare year where I made two visits to New Ulm, as I went there for the county fair in August, it was coupled with a visit to the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum in Walnut Grove. The show runner liked me doing an impression of my dad and said it sounded like the name of a rock star. I liked how there were some slight differences between the two shows. In my case I wanted it that way, and it was evident in the 'Take-aways' I had. In the second show I spoke of my favorite McDonald's being near the former Schmidt brewery in St. Paul as there is a play-land and ball pit there. And the music duo from Duluth made me think of the Paula Abdul song 'Straight up' as one of them had a string bass like in that song. Then there was seeing TV trays, hadn't seen them since I was a kid, and Perkins playing the pope and having communion. But it was a donut instead of wafers. International falls, bus fare, and the button were others I shared the stage with. I wore my Christmas themed Charlie Brown shirt (actually Snoopy and Woodstock) as well as a yellow Charlie Brown trucker hat. It seemed appropriate as I was doing a line from 'Charlie Brown Christmas' and I-falls did the Linus part about what the true meaning of the holiday is. I already stated on Facebook how I am thankful to get a role in this show. This would be guest set number 6 for me this year. It means a lot when a fellow comic likes my comedy enough to include me in their shows. Hard to say how it compares to other shows I have done, as it is hard to pick a  favorite show. But I like the 'Self-validating feeling' I get when doing comedy. And the most important thing is I had fun doing this show. 'Have fun up there' is the advice I give to new comics. I may have had the best seat in the venue as it was near the stage. I did ask for one thing that will have to wait as it was a busy night. I wanted the Wisconsin couple to sign my show announcement that I printed from Facebook as I like having as many comedy souvenirs as possible from shows I've done. I was paid, I got free food and drink, I got a poster, it was the most important thing. I said I didn't want to leave until I had finished my drink, but in many ways it was also because I wanted the night to last a little longer. So I did help them out with getting things to the car once they were packed up. And it meant staying by the car, parked outside the venue. I spoke of being entrusted with the Big dog's bag at another venue, and I take it seriously when people trust me. It led to a joke about the Dr. Seuss book 'Horton hatches the egg' when he said 'An elephant faithful, one hundred percent'.
   I did do some other things today. I had the day off from my office job and did some errand running. I went to the post office, not much there. Went to Rosedale mall, got a Charlie Brown movie calendar and some jeans. Wanted to type letters for Christmas cards but they wouldn't print at the library. Finally there was Walgreen as I wanted some shaving razors, sheet protectors, and a notebook for the show tonight.  

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