Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Lights On Bus

   I thought it was weird this morning to see Christmas lights on the bus I was taking in to work. I didn't know if I would see this again so I got a picture of it. But it didn't end there. When I finished my walk before going in to the office I saw people crowding around in the skyway to get a look outside. There was a fight in progress and somebody asked why there weren't any cops around. It was nice to see both of the people I know from bus riding in the evening. I said it hadn't snowed yet so I am still going to the comedy club tonight. There was plenty of snow by the time the show ended, but I knew well enough to stay off highways and stick to 'Stoplight roads'. I have the margin for error and easier to stop when I need to. I learned a valuable lesson when I was in college, putting my car in the median during a snow and ice storm. 'At least I am moving' is a good credo to have.
  I am adding another comic to the 'Ring of honor', it is the trailer park girl. She has returned from the Last Comic Standing tour, and I liked her stories about it. I said she was worthy as this is the first comic that wanted me to listen to their CD before it was released. The club manager did the photo for us. I had hoped to add another comic after the show but I didn't see him, I said I had just ordered his CD from Amazon less than a week ago.
    Also at the comedy club, Fish noodle did ones about an HS prom lock-in, can't afford this, and tongue prints. IED/IUD did ones about hippie college, $45k camp, diabetes, yeast, Gilbert Grape, and Oregon Trail. Ragu did ones about background checks, Imagine Dragons, red shirt at Target, weed party, Shrek, and Chipotle. Long Straw did ones about apple crisp, stable of horses, Catholic singles, priest blessing, and gay brother. Yemen did ones about Fox News, Trump, salute flag, teach Arabic, who is this?, some changes, and drove off with nozzle. Locks of Love did ones about found on Facebook, 8-day marriage, anxiety pills, binge drink, crazy contest, and Amy Winehouse. Brawler did ones about Pittsburgh, gangster niece, and history class. Resistable did ones about Taylor Swift, Tales from the Crypt, what cats eat, adopt a highway, MOA parties, stew in juices, selfie stick race, and dental plan. School bouncer did ones about Canada, bank scare, Blind Side, Ben Carson, ISIS, Detroit, gluten, and Facebook beef. Wee bit did ones about smidge, sex-ed, dic-pic, just felt right, just wait, bought condoms, and free couch. Tetris did ones about crowd surf, blood plasma, make a murder, ear pierce, James Bond, and Netflix. Worthington did ones about fish and blog, Viagra, pharmacist brother, stomach ache, jogger pant, hurricane, Mohawk, debates, prime rib, summer heat, and Don Rickles. Olive Garden did ones about get it over with, bankrupt, speed date, title joke, tug at heart, dude is whore, and defense of insanity. Fever comic did ones about flossing, $36m suit, pot legal, Steve Avery, and disposable contacts. Sub teacher did ones about North Korea, songs for all, friendships awkward, crossbow dork riff-raff, Valley Forge, Grandma's ring, urgent care, sad audience, wild boar, planned parenthood, increase profits, and call in sick. Three by three did ones about butterfly, how to flirt, quick gaze, whee, social anxiety, online advice, train whistle, and touch arm. Perkins did ones about Grand Forks, zucchini, cough syrup, Gummi Bears, stolen ferret, co-ops, asthma, HCMC, dislike button, how humane, and show tunes. Trailer park girl did ones about penguins and Santa, Interstellar, hooters, poop on bus, married at club, mom for Trump, Steve Harvey, plane seat, 8 years then TV, forgot jokes then cat, Casa Blanca, Bernie Sanders, the tour, 79 shows 90 days, turtle racing, Scalia, text message, and they're looking at you.  

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