Tuesday, April 26, 2016

bahamas survey

in the evening I heard my phone ring. it said it was a survey, where the prize was a trip for two to the Bahamas. I had to say 'no' numerous times before the computer recognized it and ended the call, stating I would be taken off the call list. probably some time-share presentation, and thankfully I don't get these calls too often as I usually have my phone off.
   after resting and going through some mail and other paperwork I did take a walk around the neighborhood. there was plenty of trash to pick up as usual, but not much in terms of coins. all I found was one penny at the car wash. I made it home just after 10pm and watched a rerun of 'the simpsons' instead of the news, I had already seen the 6pm news. it was the one where marge was a real estate broker.
   there were goodies at the office at mid-morning, and I said it made me feel like I was at a wedding. since the sparkling juice looked like it was coming from a fountain. in the afternoon I showed up for my photo appointment, it didn't take long, under 10 minutes. I did already ask that this become my work ID photo as well. the political science guy asked what I knew about UIC, the U of Illinois at Chicago. I guess he is still looking at schools as he is considering going back to school to get a doctorate. I know why he asked, as I lived in suburban Chicago for 6 years. what I did say did involve what I knew with history, my major. I understand their athletic team name, the flames, comes from the 1871 fire. and I toured the hull house museum in one of my annual visits and there was a joke about 'urban removal' instead of 'urban renewal' in terms of much of the hull house complex, started by jane Addams, was demolished for the UIC campus. then there was the U of Chicago, a different school, where it is on the site of what was the 1893 world's fair. just this week I saw an online article about some inventions being introduced at a world's fair, and with this one it was the ferris wheel. Chicago was known as fort Dearborn at one point, and I did search e-bay to see what postcards were available but many of them were from the 1933 world's fair, already have those. some are older ones, and there are some of a monument to a massacre at the fort. the one item I did order from e-bay today was a postcard, a reprint of a 1930s maytag ad. I currently have plenty of postcards from the 1933 world's fair, something like 200, and haven't ordered any for a little while.

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