Wednesday, April 20, 2016

bookcase collapsed

I was moving things around tonight to get ready for an exterminator visit. there is a large bookcase that I haven't used in a while that was kept in a corner. it seemed unstable, and it was. as I was moving it the bottom half of it collapsed. so now I may decide to use it again when I know the weak part of it is gone. the collapsed part was put in the trash, no other use that I know of for it. I liked how I got it done in two hours after eating at taco bell. then it was off to a bar, where I saw some of the Minnesota wild's playoff game. it was midway through the 2nd when I arrived, wild up over the dallas stars 1-0. but the wild trailed at the end of the 2nd, 3-2, and lost by that margin as well. I left to go back to my car before the game ended as I was tired.
   I asked my 'work spouse' what activity would be surprising to hear if I had done it. it was in reference to hearing before how nothing is surprising about me now, since I go to burlesque shows and lady gaga concerts. first answer I got was attending country music concerts, but I've done this many times already. then skydiving, haven't done that and no plans to either. I said I was interested in other answers, by giving this colleague more time to think about it. this is kind of a 'chess game' and even though I may get comedy material out if it I don't want to say too much about my plans or ideas. suffice it to say, when I thought of something to do eventually I thought of  the Grinch, where it was said he got 'an awful, awful idea' - or is it really that awful? is it just out of character for me when I am known as dour?

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