Tuesday, October 10, 2017

baby food in breakroom

various items are being left in the breakroom to be claimed by others since we are in transition now. much of it is books, novels. but there are other things, even I have left things on the tables in there. but what looked really odd to be in there was numerous jars of baby food.
   not as much to do at the office, though after what likely was a 'phishing' email claiming my inbox was over the limit I did spend some time deleting sent messages from many years ago. my work spouse got the same email. I applied for another job, and the site leader wanted to make his rounds since he is out on business later this week when some of us will have reached our last day. I saw the attorney on the bus in the evening, I had just missed a bus and had to wait for the next one. she spoke of preparing more for her speech, sounds like it would be for a crowd of well over 200. and how she was getting moral support for it. I liked hearing about her kids, a son, age 4, and a daughter, age 2. the son likes legos, and the daughter is up early in the morning. I spoke of how I like writing about those that I meet from wherever I go and whatever I do.
   I made it to the performance venue in the evening, and did ones about a comic talking about FDR, tom petty songs, visiting cemetery, who moved my cheese, and bank holiday.
   I found more family history online as well, inspired by the cemetery visit over the weekend. and it looks like there is a book I can order on amazon that is about this subject. I have a code from august that is still unused, and decided to see what else I could get and I like getting a greatest hits CD of songs by Sia. already have 3 of her CDs but this one is mostly songs that I don't know, even earlier ones as two of the CDs I already have were much more recently produced.

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