Wednesday, October 18, 2017

nashville movie

I am continuing to stay active while on 'vacation' by watching movies I checked out from the library. the next one happened to be called 'nashville', a satire of the country music industry in that town, from 1975. the Wikipedia article said the movie was selected for preservation in 1992. I have heard of movies that are designated as 'national treasures'. this was a 'busy' movie to say the least. there were so many characters in it, 24 in all. I recognized some of the actors in it, such as ned beatty and lily tomlin. most memorable would have to be the british journalist, since she seemed to be in most every scene. her character was written as being from the BBC and producing a documentary. at one point it showed her in a junkyard for cars, and a school bus barn. I do like satire, and this movie works for me. my guess is that some of the characters were based on actual people. I like the honesty found in satires. not much of this movie actually showed music being performed, but this didn't bother me any.
   I also made it to the performance venue. I did ones about 'you first', Oktoberfest in new ulm, watching 'weekend at bernies', and started off with a response to what one of the MCs said. I don't live in the basement at the venue, don't even know if they have a basement. after I left the venue I saw the beer pitcher that became a tip jar. a bartender said it was stolen by kids who claimed they wanted to work there. but they only got away with a dollar, so it didn't bother them at all. sounds like they are pleased to have the tip jar back.

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