Tuesday, October 17, 2017

sex, lies, videotape movie

I was able to find the movie 'sex, lies, videotape' at the library in shoreview, after going to a job interview in the same town. I liked how the movies are just grouped by letter instead of by category, made it easier to find. I have seen plenty of shows starring james spader, and he is good in this one. he is the one that comes to town, a college friend of the lawyer that is cheating on his wife with her sister. he likes to film women talking about sex. this is another movie that had been on my list for a while, much like 'weekend at Bernie's'. the thing I said was that of course he was going to be found out. he ends up interviewing both women. this movie was mentioned in an article about disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. it was distributed by a company he founded with his brother, Miramax. the Wikipedia article states that the two left the company while it was owned by Disney, and founded another movie studio. I was quite familiar with the Miramax name, as they also were the distributor for my favorite movie, 'good will hunting'. I had seen some shows that the two women had been in, as they are played by andie MacDowell and laura san Giacomo. of course laura played the friend of the julia Roberts character in 'pretty woman'.
    I got the day started fairly early, wanting to see I was ready for the job interview. I checked online and found out how early the post office opened, since it wasn't my typical day to go I had to confirm it as I wanted to pick up an amazon order. it was a book about geneaology, and the other order I made last week was for a music CD. eventually I will have to find out if my dad has a version of the same book, my guess is he does. I got a reprint of a book that was published in 1921, in paperback.
   I would like to think the interview went well enough, although I wonder if one thing I did was a good idea. near the end I heard my phone ring, it was in my pocket. so I pulled it out and shut it off, and apologized as I thought I had shut if off. I had questions ready for them, three in all, and one was about the benefits they are offered. I am told it is a good idea to have questions besides when I expect to hear more, which will be later in the week.
  I got stage time at the comedy club tonight. I did ones about seeing 'forrest gump' at my hotel during my iowa city visit, a bank holiday, I can't believe he really did it, visiting new ulm, the movie 'weekend at bernies', and a callback where I spoke about learning French in high school.

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