Wednesday, December 5, 2018

better angels of our nature

i watched some of the funeral of ex-president bush (41) today, from the Washington national cathedral. there was some mention of bush's 'thousand points of light' speech, comparing it to 'better angels of our nature' speech by Lincoln. as I recall, former Canadian prime minister brian Mulroney made this comparison. I was unfamiliar with the speech, but when I searched it online what I found was 'Lincoln's first inaugural'. I tried to read it but it is a long speech and my computer go stuck. I found out it is on youtube. no surprise there, as just about anything can be found there. I think I was still able to read at least half of it. there was mention of continuing mail delivery, and some foreshadowing of the civil war as of course there were well-known 'divisions' between the states already. also mention of majority and minority opinions. like many others, I know the Gettysburg address way better. it helps that it is much shorter. and as I recall, at the Lincoln memorial in Washington, DC, one sees the Gettysburg speech and the second inaugural there. this serves as a reminder of wanting to visit the nation's capital again, as I haven't been there since 2009. and it would be nice to visit this cathedral as well. I shared some of my thoughts on facebook about seeing the funeral on TV, commenting on the threads of others. I said I had attended two family funerals in iowa this year and I was thankful that there were no TV cameras there. this funeral had much of the same VIP line-up as the one for Sen. McCain this summer, held at the same venue. I had to get to a meeting so I only watched the first hour of it. I caught some of it on my car radio on the way to get on the light rail, and by then they were up to the eulogy given by his son, ex-president bush (43). in the evening I got out a book that was a photo essay of the nation's capital, published in the 1980s, and the national cathedral is in it.
    it is hard to say where the meeting of today will lead, but I was told by the agency that he had met with my ex-boss and what he heard was fine, and if it wasn't then it would have ended right there. I pride myself in 'show up every day on time, and do my job' so what he said was expected. there were some 'on-boarding' documents sent by email, over 30. I completed all but one, because it said it was only if an offer had been extended and of course there is no offer yet.
   in the evening I went to perform, and I even got in a drumming lesson. we got way farther than before, some mention of the band queen, I think in reference to the beat on the kick drum as it made me think of 'we will rock you'. and the show runner I think was playing some from 'yellow ledbetter' by pearl jam on his guitar. there was one man that said I was creeping him out by sitting in the back by myself, even though I liked the view of the stage from there as well as the TV that is in the bar area. so he invited me to sit closer to the stage at his table.

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