Saturday, December 29, 2018

dollar stores, variety stores

I saw an online article today that said there was a 'backlash' against dollar stores. it went in-depth about the industry. the three best-known brands are: dollar tree, family dollar, and dollar general. those three have the most stores nation-wide, and the first two are owned by the same company. I had to check what their presence is in the twin cities. no surprise how I found the fewest stores for dollar general, don't know if I have been to one. I know I have been to the other two, and family dollar the most since it is the closest for me. I get a can of spaghetti and meatballs there every week. other items I sometimes get, when needed, include dish soap and toilet paper. it is closer for me than going to a Walgreen. some of the things mentioned in the article, in terms of the 'business model' or 'concept' I am familiar with. this includes how the stores are small and sometimes cramped, and a limited number of employees, who often perform various duties. I don't mind, as I know what I want and just want to get in and out. sometimes I have found some good CDs and DVDs there, but of course they are anything but new. one article said it can be a good place for finding books or novels, and I think it is the same thing with them as well- anything but new. there was mention of how these kinds of stores do well in low-income neighborhoods, especially after a grocery store has closed. and how the number of stores in this category have greatly increased during times of economic recession, while other stores aren't doing as well such as big-box department stores. much like any other kind of store, some things I would get there and some things I wouldn't. it is all about what each store has and what needs I have to fill. I have said it at times in online surveys I do for airline miles: just have what I need at prices I can afford. a Wikipedia article spoke of 'variety stores' in other parts of the world, of course they can be known by other names depending on the local currency. in great Britain they are called 'pound shops'. at one point they were known as 'five and dime', and Woolworth was well-known in that category. also no surprise how the store brand tends to be cheaper than a name brand, this is true at most stores. even though they have some food and grocery type items, I do not go there for my main weekly order as they don't have everything. I see boxes of cereal there, besides canned goods. and plenty of snack food as well. I have bought peanut butter crackers there.
    I am still in the Christmas spirit even though we are a few days past it. I watched two more DVDs this afternoon after I went to the grocery store. It was 'Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer' and 'the grinch'. probably was too busy performing on the nights they aired on TV. I also went on a search for egg nog. thankful I found some at the second store I went to, but after Christmas I know full well it won't be around much longer. a quart a week is fine with me during its season.
   I went to the Minnesota gophers hockey game tonight, my annual visit. I saw two former co-workers during the second intermission. the gophers lost to ferris state 3-2. gophers scored first, about 5 minutes into the game. then it was tied when ferris state scored with about 7 minutes left in the second, but the gophers went ahead again about 2 minutes later. it was tied again early in the 3rd, and ferris state went ahead with about 8 minutes left in the 3rd. there was a figure skater entertaining us during the first intermission. after the game I went home and watched part of the news, then I went to do some karaoke. I sang 'leaving on a jet plane' by peter paul and mary. 

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