Wednesday, December 26, 2018

sears kitchen towels

I had some errand running to do on my list, including printing things at the library. this included a hockey ticket for the weekend. on my way home I stopped at the sears in st. paul near the capitol. I had made one previous stop there during the liquidation sale. this time I bought three items. it was two kitchen towels, and a pair of socks. I know well enough to get low-risk, low-cost items when it is 'all sales final'. there is not much merchandise left, so I would expect the store to close for good real soon, possibly at the end of the month. all told, the three items cost less than four dollars with all of the discounts. I got some photos as well, such as a sign saying 'what you see today, you may not see tomorrow'. it applies not just to a sale, but to life in general.
   I had lunch kind of late due to the visit to the sears store. I wanted to take a good look around. after I got home and ate, I went to a dollar store. before I went on my errand running, I applied for some more jobs, mostly ones saying 'apply on company site' from indeed. I considered going out to perform tonight, but I let the weather decide for me. there was plenty of snowfall in the evening, and the news said it was kind of slippery out there. so I was fine with staying in and watching some of the episodes from a DVD of the red skelton show. I still try to study the craft of comedy at times. it was in the back of my mind since my dad spoke of this performer in our call this week. I also went to a gas station and got some peanuts and an ice cream sandwich. It was a little slippery out there on foot, but thankfully I avoided falling. notable about what I bought was some of the ice cream was sticky and mashed. so it was hard for me to choose. so eventually I got an oreo sandwich on a stick.

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