Tuesday, April 30, 2019

gatorade and cornbread

i made it to the performance venue tonight, which is hosting a show that was migrated from a venue that has closed. I checked in with the show runner and confirmed that the place doesn't sell beer. so I had to get something else. I got a bottle of Gatorade and some cornbread, and it cost less than beer did at the other venue. the show runner liked my story about me analyzing a dream, I think it was the voice inflection that helped. it was just a block away from the other venue, so I ended up parking at the same place as before. naturally I also told the story about what place I went to last week, since I am used to the same crowd and they are likely used to seeing me. I stopped at an ATM on my way there, and it looks like the check engine light is off now after going on while I was running errands on Monday. hopefully it will stay that way. the mechanic said it may just be bad gas. I liked listening to somebody in the waiting room while there, an older woman, a widow, who said she is an uber driver.
   it went fine on the first day back at test scoring. It was a day of training, and I qualified on the first try. I recognized a few familiar faces from last year, and some recognized me as well. I said I had hoped I wouldn't be back, but two temp jobs didn't pan out. I liked the test scoring work I did though. what I didn't like was how it was short term and no benefits. but I am hopeful to miss fewer days than before, last season it was three and a half. two were for family funerals, one for traveling that was planned before I got the job, and the half was for a job fair at a basketball arena. I would like to think I won't need it for the first two reasons this time, as it was hard to forget how I missed out on attendance bonuses for those weeks. for one paper I said I scored it lower because they used 'maybe' four times, and I was reminded of how a writing teacher said to me to 'say it like you mean it'. I noticed how I was likely given the same ID badge as before, guess they just kept it in a box along with others who had worked there before. since it was wet I didn't go outside much during breaks.

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