Sunday, October 20, 2019

american honey movie

around midday I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library, 'American honey'. I was not familiar with any of the actors in it. I had heard of shia labeouf, who plays jake. riley Keough plays krystal, the boss, she is a granddaughter of musician elvis Presley. sasha lane plays star, who is the main character. this movie is long, more than two and a half hours. and even though it is about young adults selling magazines, very little scenes showing sales are in the movie. there is somebody whipping out their dick more than once though. and shooting off fireworks, at one point it was in the middle of a birthday cake. and the boss wearing a confederate bikini. it is also a reminder of why I no longer stay at motor inns, too noisy. the crew is shown staying at these kinds of hotels, such as motel 6. and people are always coming and going at those places. another takeaway for me was a scene in rapid city, south Dakota, where star is let in by young kids while their druggie mom is sleeping, and we see a bottle of shur fine ketchup when they open the refrigerator. I liked using this private label at a grocery store I once shopped at. I liked the weird and funny things with an exclamation point written on the label, specific to the kind of product. I still have a shopping bag with this brand name on it, and it says the brand 'inspires!' I like road movies, but this is not the best one that I have seen. I did like the scenery in it from the various towns they stopped in. at one point they talk about a song called 'American honey', which is where the movie's title is taken from. the song is by lady antebellum, I am not too familiar with this band, but I listened to the song on youtube.
    the only time I drove anywhere today was when I returned the movie to the library, and got another one. I also stopped at a cub foods on the way home and got another box of pumpkin snack cakes. I watched some of the bears-saints football game after getting back, bears lost 36-25. the Vikings-lions game was mostly happening while I was watching the movie, at least the first half was, Vikings won it 42-30. in the evening I liked watching 'the simpsons' Halloween episode, this tends to be the best one of the season. and after this I took a long walk around the neighborhood. It helped to clear my mind, about what I still needed to get done. and I found 22 cents to put in my change bank.
    this weekend I read an article about minor league baseball online. something about how it might change, possibly fewer teams. there was an 'answer article' to it, but it was too long and this made it harder to follow what points it was trying to make. I could have written a much better one. the most important thing is that the minor leagues are still needed to develop players, and having actual games and not computer simulations are the best way to evaluate talent. and since I watched plenty of minor league ball while growing up near des moines, iowa, I am aware of how it is popular in many areas because it is cheaper and closer, so it still helps in the promotion of the game. so I think this is why these articles are sometimes known as 'click bait'.

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